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报告题目Road Beyond CMOS



报 告人:闵泰教授

报告摘要:For  past 50 years, electron charge based silicon technology and scaling law  (Moore’s Law) have been the fundamental driver of computational  technology, catalyst for the emergence of the Digital Age. In this “no  trade-off” era, consistent exponential performance growth is sustained  by vigorous feature scaling, while computation is kept utilizing the  Boolean logic and Von Neumann architecture system, achieving exact  calculation and communication gain through noise suppression. However,  as the technology node reaches beyond 5nm technology node, the  complexity of Si-based transistor has increased tremendously and become  cost-prohibitive, new functional material and computing paradigm need to  be discovered and developed. All industry-developed countries and world  major semiconductor companies are actively searching for the next  “Genome” material to replace Si. In this talk, comparison of various  emerging technologies will be discussed with emphasis on the low  dimensional physical material system like Graphene or ultra-thin  spintronic thin film system as the candidates which promise many  revolutionary ways of future computing and memory technology.



l    1980年至1993年:美国明尼苏达大学电机系博士&硕士,中国科学技术大学物理系学士;

l  1993年至2015年:22年国际一流大型企业工作经历,历任资深总监、总监、经理、主任工程师、高级工程师;多成功首次研发出国际领先新型产品(IBM外业界第一款AMR磁记录头产品,世界第一款自旋阀磁记录头产品STT-MRAM专家),积累了大量管理经验;

l  成功地组建并领导了IMEC业界领先的sub-20nm 垂直式STT-MRAMsub-5nm Spintronics 技术的研发(第一次在IMEC300mm中试线做出存储芯片,发表了IMEC第一篇有关STT-MRAM IEDM paper 2014)

l  成功地组织并领导了TDK业界领先新型STT-MRAM产品的研发和产品化;

l  主管MRAM产品的设计、模拟、测试、封装、生产、质检、客户支持等部门和项目;

l  组建,招聘,培训MRAM产品设计,测试,质检和客户支持等部门;

l  拥有66项美国颁发的专利,奠定了公司的MRAM,磁记录产品基础;


